Jan 2017: A quick rundown is that my son moved from Hawaii to Virginia Beach, VA right before Christmas 2016... so, that means no son for New Years!
Feb 2017: My dearest uncle, Uncle John (Dad's second oldest brother), died very unexpectedly in a car accident on his 84th birthday at the beginning of February. I still tear up thinking about losing him. How blessed we feel having him visit May 2016! Unfortunately, a few weeks later, my husband's aunt, Aunt C.C., passed soon after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was quite the wonderful lady and we count ourselves blessed for having her visit us November 2016.
April and May 2017: Went by in a blur between me having to say sad good-byes to my work family - Ohana, and my favorite patients, to us packing up our last military-paid move (yes, you get one last one after retirement!), cleaning our house to prepare for closing day, and us actually flying off island on 19 May. I think I vaguely remember our oldest coming to visit for a few days in there somewhere... Our first destination was to Hubby's parents' house in the panhandle of Florida... just in time for the HOT and MUGGY weather!
June 2017: While in Florida, we helped our oldest son and his amazing wife move 2 hours west in the panhandle in his first Air Force move. While there, I had the opportunity to spend time with one of my dearest friends, a chiropractor with whom I worked when I did my reserves. She truly has a bit of my heart... Back to the move of my oldest: first time Home owners!!! This meant they could truly do anything they wanted! First was to clean this cute home and I got on my hands and knees to chip in.
July 2017: Journeyed to Virginia to receive our household goods. We slept in the basement for about a month prior to getting our furniture. Hubby had a great idea: put two twin air mattresses (the tall kind) next to each other and make a king-sized bed. Truly genius!!
August 2017: Family visits complete with helping my parents move 6 hours west in North Carolina! Also meant we got the player piano I've always wanted as their new house is considerably smaller than their old one as it has no basement.
September 2017: Visited my youngest in Virginia Beach and met up with an old friend... yes, probably the longest friend I have!! We met back in 8th grade and kept finding each other over the years. Fortunately, we were there to help my youngest move into a new apartment. (seriously! Another move!!) It also allowed me to spend my birthday with my friend, my son, and my nephew's family.
October 2017: The birth of a grand-niece!! Though I already have a grand-nephew, he was born the same month we moved to Japan. So... it is very special to get to live so close!
November 2017: My husband's family descended on us for Thanksgiving... at the end of that visit, we had a small pin-on ceremony for my oldest as he promoted in the Air Force, then I took off with my parents to finally meet my Grand-niece. I cried as I watched my parents hold their first ever Grand-daughter... yes, great grand-daughter, and it was beautiful!
December 2017: My family descended on us for Christmas... I'm here to say, my marriage survived... but we will NEVER host Thanksgiving then Christmas in the same year again!!
So, our year went from heartbreak to family... and I'm so glad to have a little time to myself now. (my next blog will tell ya what's next for me!!)
Happy New Year, everyone!!