Cheers!! Last glass of wine for a month! |
Wow! It's been a LONG while since my last post. I fell into the "same old... same old" pattern that I see other bloggers fall into once their (and mine) lifestyle becomes commonplace. What?? Yes. I got to the point where it was no longer fun, exciting, and/or new to photograph my food and share online. People stopped remembering me as a fat girl and I became complacent in my "normalcy". However, jump forward 5 years from my big life changing sickness (remember? Gallbladder = undiagnosed celiac??) and here I am, back up within 20 lbs of my all-time-highest weight. Ugh.
So, last winter, my hip started really bothering me more and more. I went to the doctor and specialists and no one offered anything other than "stop running/walking" and "why won't you get surgery??... Just fix it already!" Um... no. Until hip surgeries have better longterm outcomes, I think I'll stay where I am.
I noticed that it's easier for me to gain the weight back if I'm not active. So, the hubby bought me a Garmin VivoFit for Christmas (2014) and it got put to use! Nope, didn't make my goal steps every single day, but continued to run 2-3 times a week for most months in 2015. However, the weight still slowly crept up. It's amazing to look back at the year and see the horrible steady incline of my weight creeping back on. Weekly, it wasn't so bad unless I was getting close to or going over a milestone number... you know, starting a new "decade" (going up to the next "0" number) and it really got bad starting in September.
What is going on? well, increased hot flashes and... ehem... female "issues" started taking up a LOT of my time and... oh, yeah. I got "let go" at my job in July after returning from reserves and got a new job in September. You'll notice the two jumps in weight gain in July and the largest one in October to now. Hmmmmm.
Yep. There MUST be a food connection. At the start of 2016 I thought "THAT'S IT!!! I'm stopping all 'gluten free' goodies, no more potatoes, no more rice!!" and that helped (as you see by the dip). BUT, there's gotta be more to it than just returning to my 100% Paleo/Primal ways as the weight isn't just dropping off like it did back in 2011.
Yesterday, I opened up an email from
PaleoDork and in it was a link to a whole bunch of FREE stuff (only good for 5 more days... that's Feb 11th, so hurry!!)! Now, I've been around the Paleo block a few times since 2011 and have most of the things in this free bundle. However, every now and then, I stumble across someone or something that just "clicks" for me. Yesterday and today, all my reading has been centered on
Maria Emmerich's Keto-Adapted book that was included in the PaleoDork giveaway.
I'm in love. Her writing really speaks to me. I've never wanted to give up sugar completely. I mean, I don't do sugar or anything processed already. But, I'll add a splash of vanilla syrup to my coffee in the morning (oops) and honey to my greek yogurt or marinades. I've also taken to eating more carb-laden veggies, starchy potatoes/sweet potatoes, and fruit, fruit, fruit!! Organic apples, blueberries by the handfuls, organic strawberries, etc. I mean, they're organic... so, that means they're OK, right? I guess not. At least, if my butt and thighs are anything to go by... NO!!!
So, I mentioned health issues... yes, in the last few months, the migraines are back with low-level headaches all the time, and the joint pain is incredible! I've even developed such pain in my thumb joints that we're looking into rheumatoid arthritis... yes, I know, another autoimmune disease to add to the celiac. I had my thyroid looked at for multiple nodules, and my belly fat is expanding to increase my jean size. I'm NOT happy. No, seriously. Not just unhappy at these changes, but depressed and in a bad mood a LOT. My poor hubby. He gets the brunt of it. I try to keep my mouth shut, but when he asks and asks and asks what's wrong... well. It's not a pretty picture.
What to do. On the Keto-adapted website, there are ways to gain Maria's one-on-one assistance, but being true to myself and with great desire to continue my over-researching ways, I'm going to try this just using her books: Keto-adapted and the
Ketogenic Cookbook (it's coming via
I also have a book sitting on my shelf from a dear friend of mine,
Erin Whitmer, that she wrote with another mom, Jeanne L. Reither, after struggling for a few years to heal her son from seizures;
Fighting Back with Fat. I also have been online friends with Jaime from
Cleochatra.com. I love veggies, so never really gave too deep of thought to going truly low, low carb. However, stuff that Maria wrote about in her book, Keto-Adapted, really smacked me in the face of realistic need for change. I think I also like that she pushes the amino-acids I already take (L-glutamine and L-lysine) with some others that I don't, and teaches all about WHY they're important. Needless to say, there are a bunch I'm needing to take in the morning that should assist in helping with carb cravings and headaches. I'm excited to go to the vitamin shoppe (that's where I buy my stuff as it's local and convenient) and buy all the "new" stuff.
So, starting tomorrow... back on my journey to better health!!! Join me??